Protein & Phospholipid Shake

  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Protein
  • Stress and Mood
  • Physical Wellbeing
  • Phospholipids
  • Active Consumers
  • Weight Management
  • Browse Solutions
  • Ready-to-Drink Beverages

Through a combination of scientifically proven milk phospholipids and protein, our Protein & Phospholipid shake effectively supports muscle health and stress relief while providing satiety.

Woman smiling with warm lighting on her faceS

Active Consumers

The Phospholipid & Protein Shake offers a simple and convenient solution for consumers who lead active and busy lifestyles, helping them to stay focused and positive under stress.

The multi-benefit beverage also supports muscle health and appetite control.

Phospholipid & Protein Shake

Phospholipid & Protein Shake

Concept Card: Protein & Phospholipid Shake


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