Medical Protein Beverage

  • Surgical Patients
  • Physical Wellbeing
  • Malnutrition
  • Oral Nutritional Supplement
  • Ready-to-Drink Beverages
  • Medical Nutrition

Medical Protein Beverage helps patients achieve optimal nutritional status to minimize the depletion of muscle mass and strength triggered by surgical interventions. 


Surgical patients

Major surgical stress may shift the body’s metabolism into a catabolic state and patients whose nutritional intake is impacted are at greater risk. Preventing and treating undernutrition can reduce the likelihood of certain complications and improve post-operative outcomes. Medical Protein Beverage is ideal for patients preparing for and recovering from surgery as it supports adequate protein intake during the perioperative period.


Medical Protein Beverage

Medical Protein Beverage

Concept Card: Medical Protein Beverage


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