4. Experience
In order to enhance the experiential aspect of their products, brands should go the extra mile to enhance flavour, texture, and the social aspect of health management routines.
A function of the overall experience, taste is an important product aspect for consumers. It is named as a key barrier for those who do not eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. Even among those who are proactive about their health and wellbeing, taste is identified as one of the challenges faced when consuming nutritional products.
Brands may also elevate the experience for their consumers through focus groups, designed to understand and collect data-driven insights on the experiential elements that consumers seek. These experiential elements may include preferred tastes and formats. A community platform offering complimentary health and nutrition related seminars or events can also support consumers through a cost-of-living crisis.
Building a lasting nutrition portfolio for consumers
While price may impact the perception of value, the key to building a sustainable and future-proof nutrition portfolio lies in moving beyond price to deliver better value-for-money through other product attributes.
The strong proposition offered through these four value drivers creates deep consumer engagement that can build a meaningful and lasting loyalty to brands and products.