
Nutiani HN001™

Since the 1990s, extensive research has provided evidence that Nutiani HN001™ supports a healthy immune system by improving gut integrity and barrier function.

Nutiani HN001™ was developed from a screening of approximately two thousand strains held at the Fonterra Research & Development Centre in New Zealand and has supporting evidence on surviving the passage through the gut.
Discovered and selected from our exclusive Southland Cheddar Cheese culture, Nutiani HN001™ is food derived and non-GMO Project verified.


Ideal as a standalone product, or as an addition to your existing range to broaden appeal to consumers seeking functional benefits

  • Freeze-dried powder
  • Flavourless
  • Vegetarian, Halal and Kosher
  • Non-GMO Project Verified (USA only)
  • New Zealand origin
  • Dairy-free and organic specifications available
  • Specifications are available for Ready-to-Mix powders, or dry supplements and cultured products

Can't find what your're looking for? For more information, contact us for our product playbook and a sales representative will be in touch.


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